Enables us to stretch dollars.

Cutting Costs.

GRD Awarded Funds To Purchase Robotic Field Painter: Summer 2024
Made possible by Bureau of Workers Compensation


The GRD Maintenance team, led by Bobby Vahalik, found a grant from the Bureau of Workers Compensation to purchase a robotic field painter. The grant totaled $34,000 and included a $9,000 paint credit. The machine's total cost was $54,000, leaving a capital outlay for the GRD of $11,000.

The equipment saves staff time, reduces paint costs, and provides a more consistent product in terms of lines. The staff continues to seek grant funding to stretch out limited resources to provide the community with the best facilities and programs.

Used at Raccoon Valley Park, Wildwood Park, Bryn Du Mansion, Granville School Fields (where GRD participates)

Bureau of Workers Compensation

Adding beauty and life to the community.

GRD Awarded Trees: 05.2020
Made possible by 1,500 Trees for Life Project through First Presbyterian Church of Granville


The Granville Recreation District was happy to learn that our parks had been chosen for the 1,500 Trees for Life Project. We graciously accepted 40 new tree plantings that have been placed in our parks.

In 2019, something grew in the minds of the leaders of First Presbyterian Church of Granville—an idea for adding  beauty and life to our Licking County community for generations to come, while also caring for and serving as stewards of our environment: we could engage the people of Licking County in helping to plant trees.

Trees not only provide shade, oxygen, and beauty, they also are excellent at sequestering carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. Learn more about how trees can help our community and environment.

Installed at Raccoon Valley Park & Wildwood Park

First Presbyterian Church of Granville

1,500 Trees for Life Project

Learning the skills of patience.

GRD Awarded Fishing Poles: Spring 2014 & Spring 2015
Made possible by the Step Outside Grant through Ohio Department of Natural Resources


The Granville Recreation District submitted the application for the ODNR Division of Wildlife Step Outside Grant Program in 2014 and 2015. This program is offered to local government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other family and youth-oriented facilities to promote outdoor skills such as fishing, hunting, trapping, archery and shooting sports. These grants are designed to provide funding for activities that are otherwise unaffordable for the sponsoring agency or organization. They are not meant to fund existing programs or to provide ongoing funding for newly established programs or activities. This mini-application is designed to facilitate the application process and to make the grants accessible to all interested agencies and organizations.

The GRD was awarded $500 in 2014 and 2015 for the purchase fishing poles and equipment to promote fishing and aquatic education activities.

Used during Family Picnic & Fishing Days, Summer Camps & More

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Providing pathway connections.

GRD Awarded Funds For Construction Of The Rotary Bridge At Raccoon Valley Park: 2015
Made possible by Ohio Department of Transportation and Ohio Department of Natural Resources Grants in addition to other contributors.


This new, and only, pedestrian access to Raccoon Valley Park created the missing link to providing alternative transportation, from vehicular travel, to one of Granville’s prime recreational areas. The Rotary Bridge Project constitutes the second phase to providing a critical loop which will link the regional pathway system in the Granville community. The Granville Rotary Bridge, costing 1.15 million dollars, connects Raccoon Valley Park and the TJ Evans Bike Path. The bridge is 273 feet long, weighs 767 tons and rises 15 feet from the park to the bike path.   

“The Rotary Bridge simply improves the quality of life in our community,” said Andy Wildman, Executive Director of the Granville Recreation District.  Granville Rotary Club Past President Dr. John Weigand said “It’s exceeded my expectations. We certainly see people using it and I’ve gotten positive comments.  I think it opens up the park to people who will utilize it.  That usage will allow the Granville Recreation District to continue to improve park amenities.” 

Installed at Raccoon Valley Park

Ohio Department of Transportation
Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Rotary Clu of Granville
Granville Recreation District
Village of Granville
Denison University
TJ Evans Foundation
Granville Township
Granville Community Foundation
Licking Memorial Health Foundation
Rotary Club of Newark/Heath
And Private Donations

A new perspective.

Raccoon Valley Park Awarded Bleachers: 10.2011
Made possible by Operation Round Up Grant through The Energy Cooperative


The Granville Recreation District took part in a local utility company, The Energy Cooperative’s Community Service Program called Operation Round Up. The program “rounds up” a member’s bill to the nearest dollar and that amount (which is completely tax deductible) is donated to local charities in their service area. All funds stay in the community to benefit the members of The Energy Cooperative.

Each month The Energy Cooperative’s Round Up Board of Directors selects multiple community groups to award grant money, for items the community groups applied for. The Granville Recreation District was one of the community groups awarded funds in October. We have been awarded a grant of $4,680.00 to purchase (4) sets of bleachers for the Softball/Baseball fields at Raccoon Valley Park that will be installed and ready for the 2012 Softball/Baseball Season.

Installed on Fields A, B, C, D

The Energy Cooperative